Friday, December 7, 2012

SEO Back Links or Unique Content? The Importance of a Balanced Approach

There are many schools of thought on how to effectively build the level of trust, also known as page rank, that each search engine attributes to your site. The more a search engine trusts that your site contains unique and relevant content, the more it will display pages in your site to people searching for related topics. Meaning that there are millions of dollars to be made, across the internet, for sites that are able to effectively manage their SEO, content and back link campaigns to push their site 'above the fold', or rather, in the top 10 organic search results for their targeted keyword of choice. To answer your question, no, paid AdWords don't count in this case, because the cost of this paid traffic often outstrips the return for one new customer.

One method involves multiple sites and blogs spread across several unique IP addresses. As you read this, keep in mind that to successfully execute this method, legitimately, it will require a team of dedicated back link builders or some outsourced work. Alternatively, you can elect to use one of the premium back link building tools available on the internet, you should be fully aware that this alternative method is equivalent to spamming and is frowned upon. So much, in fact, that should your back link campaigns appear to be coming from bots to search engine crawlers, your site could begin losing credibility, and ultimately page ranking, on the major search engine results pages.

Having said that, the benefit of this multiple IP approach lies in the fact that, as far as the search engines are concerned, each site is unique and independent of each other. You can build links back to each of your sites, in what would resemble a spoke bicycle wheel. Each site benefits from the page rank of another site linking to it, and all of them serve to boost the credibility, visibility and ultimately the profitability of your money/call to action site. The downside is that you must manage each of these sites individually and write or develop new content to update each site with periodically. You must do this in order to maintain the credibility and visibility of your outlying sites, so they do not appear to be dead or static pages to the search engine crawlers.

A steady, but consistent effort should earn you a decent amount of ad or call to action revenue. Just remember that the internet is a enormous entity with countless pages and competitors out there. The barrier to entry into any internet based business is incredibly low and you will be hard pressed to generate a million dollar site in a day, let alone a few months. Those of you entering the SEO race today, must remember that this is not a sprint, it is a marathon and while the big players in the field already have a huge lead on you, there are plenty of businesses out there that are in dire need of advice and help competing on the world wide web.

If you take nothing else from this article, please remember to take a measured approach to your back link campaign. I say this because, as with all things in life, an effective and profitable SEO back link campaign requires zen, or rather, balance. Essentially, you cannot become so focused on building the links that you neglect to develop any new and unique content, at the same time, you cannot just ignore the entire back link building process and generate content. While the latter may work out for you eventually, chances are no one will ever be able to find our amazingly well written articles without that tedious, yet essential, back link building campaign.

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Plan For Retirement: Turn a Home Into an "Investment"

Turning your home into an investment is a great way to jumpstart the wealth-building process. This technique is especially useful for people just beginning their financial journey or those who have fallen behind in their retirement planning. A home becomes an investment when other people rent a portion, or all of it, from you and the income you receive from that rental covers your ongoing direct costs of ownership.

Your goal is to buy and move into your own multi-unit rental property to help you minimize your living expenses by sharing the property's costs of ownership (loan payments, repairs, taxes, insurance, etc.) with your tenants. You will then pay off the loan used to buy the property as fast as possible. Once you own your rental property free-and-clear, you will have an asset that will pay you a significant monthly income for as long as you own it.

In the United States, apartment properties with four units or fewer make the best candidates for this technique because they are easy to finance. The entire process is very similar to buying a single-family home and is fairly straightforward. Whatever type of property you buy, make sure you can continue to comfortably afford making the loan payments if most of your tenants move out for some period of time and you talk to a professional accountant and attorney before you try this technique.

Example: You want to buy a four-plex. You have a small down payment and your take-home pay is $45,000 per year. You make the choice not to spend more than 30% of your income on housing, so you are limited to a maximum monthly loan payment of $1,150 ($45,000 multiplied by 30% = $13,500; $13,500 divided by 12 months = $1,150 per month). The rents from your soon-to-be-acquired four-plex, however, can also count toward your income, allowing you to get more property for your money.

In this example, the payments will be a little higher on the four-plex, because the taxes and insurance cost more. The house, however, doesn't get the financial benefit of collecting rents, which makes a significant difference in how much of your own money you must use to pay back the loan on the property. In other words, if you owned the four-plex, you would use your tenants' rent money to help repay your property loan.

If you owned the four-plex, continued to make the entire monthly loan payment from your personal income, and used an extra money the property generated, after expenses, as an additional monthly payment to your lender, it would dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to repay the loan. Remember, it would still take 30 years to pay off the house. Once the property is paid off, your home has turned into an investment that pays you a monthly income and allows you to live for free. How different would your financial life be if you didn't have to pay rent or make a house payment? How different would your financial life be if you used this technique multiple times, moving from four-plex to four-plex while using the income from each paid property to pay off the loan on your most recent purchase?

Living in your own rental property isn't for everybody. You will have to put up with your tenants' idiosyncrasies, sacrifice some privacy, and deal with their problems and complaints. You might have to take a property management class or two. You may even have to plunge a few toilets and do many of the repairs yourself to get the numbers to work for you. Is this really so bad? How long would it take you to save the equivalent value of your rental property by simply saving a portion of your income? Giving up a traditional home and living in your own rental property with tenants could yield significant long-term financial benefits. Consider this option carefully before you rule it out for the pretty little house with the white picket fence.

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How to Keep Children Safe While Browsing the Internet

Easy access to internet using computers and smart-phones has revolutionized the internet and thrown up some challenges and highlighted the need of cyber security. Cases of cyber crime - including those of cyber stalkers, pedophiles, phishing and so on - are on the rise. Children are especially vulnerable to cyber crime owing to some obvious reasons.

Kids are curious, innocent and eager to know and discover the world. While doing so, they happen to access malware infected websites and fall victims of pedophiles. Worse still, they are afraid of reporting an incident to their parents owing to fear of punishment.

Parents can help their kids in a big way by being little proactive and taking certain precautions, as listed here:

Get involved: Parents ought to get involved in online activities of their kids. For instance, they can work together with their kids while researching a topic or play games. This serves two purposes; it helps them to supervise activities of their kids and teaching them safe internet browsing at the same time. Place computer in an open area: If the computer used by kids is placed in an open area, parents can monitor online activities of their kids pretty easily. They can intervene as and when the need to do arises. Warn the kids about possible dangers: Parents need to warn their kids about the possible dangers lurking out on the internet. They must let their kids know about which sites they are allowed to visit, programs they are allowed to use and how long they should access internet. Monitor their activities: It is necessary that parents should actually monitor activities of their kids. They can do so by keeping an eye on activities of their kids and use certain helpful software tools to actually do that. They can even seek help from their ISP for this purpose.

Better be safe than sorry, need of actually following this proverb is more acute than ever. Parents ought to take proactive action to protect their kids from bullying, stalking, falling victims to pedophiles and other grave cyber crimes.

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Get Organized For the Holidays: 5 Steps to Simplify and Clarify Holiday Traditions

Almost every family around the world participates in some sort of family holiday tradition. These traditions offer the rare opportunity for families to put aside the hustle and bustle of everyday life to enjoy the holiday together. Unfortunately, traditions can also turn stale and boring, which over the years, you and your family don't seem to enjoy anymore. Yet, for one reason or another, many fear to break the tradition to keep from hurting someone's feelings or to avoid family conflict. Would you like to know which holiday activities your family truly enjoys? All you need to do is ask them. Turn this holiday from predictable to memorable in five simple steps.


Before the madness of the holiday season gets into full swing, take the time to reevaluate your holiday traditions not only for yourself but also for your family. Once you have finished your holiday dream exercise, which you can find HERE, take a few moments to create a list of all the holiday traditions that your family participates in.


With your holiday dream in hand, put on some holiday music and gather the family around for a meeting to discuss this year's upcoming holiday. During this meeting, share you holiday dream with them and ask them to honestly share what they liked or disliked about last year's holiday. WARNING, there may be some awkward moments of silence while family members give you strange looks while trying to comprehend what you just asked of them simply because they've never been asked for their opinion before. Once the shock wears off, slowly they will begin to warm up and you will witness their eyes light up with excitement as they share their holiday dreams with you as well.

You may be shocked to learn that for years your family may have only pretending to enjoy the routine traditions as a way to appease you. Traditions that were fun 5 years ago may not resonate to the family you have grown into today.


As a family, make a list of holiday traditions, which everyone agrees, should or could be eliminated.

Next, create a list of any new activities and festivities that you and your family would like to participate in this year.

It could be as simple as wanting to create a gingerbread house together to something more elaborate as traveling to Walt Disney World to enjoy the holidays. Yes, Disney World might not be in this year's budget but you can always plan it for next year.

Now take a moment to imagine the relief you will feel as you eliminate the stress out of trying to keep up with a tradition that you or your family have outgrown and don't enjoy anymore.

Relish The Season:

Together as a family, you can truly look forward to a holiday filled with only the traditions that have meaning to your family and be excited about new activities that will create lasting memories.

Create A New Tradition: Don't let this meeting be a one-time occurrence. Keep the holidays fresh and alive but turning this meeting into a new pre-holiday tradition. I'm sure this is one tradition no family member will ever get bored with.

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How To Protect Your Holiday Decorations From Spiders And Other Pests

Putting up holiday decorations and Christmas trees are usually fun family activities, however finding pests living among your decorations or in your tree is not. Many people do not even consider that the decorations they are storing in their attics or basements will get infested with pests like spiders, silverfish or mice. But in reality these decorations remain basically untouched for most of the year and are the perfect places for insects and rodents to hide in and remain unnoticed.

Preventing pests from making themselves comfortable in your holiday decorations usually comes down to having proper storage. Storing items in cardboard boxes is a bad idea because it is very easy for pests like mice and silverfish to break into them and cause damage to your favorite ornament or other decorations. The best way to store your decorations is in heavy-duty plastic air-tight containers. These are very difficult for pests to chew through and will keep your decorations safe and undamaged so they can be handed down to future generations. Along with proper storage containers you should also make sure that the area you are storing seasonal items in (attic, basement, garage or other storage area) is clean and well-organized. This will help to deter them from choosing the area as a hiding spot. If pest do try to make themselves at home, a clean well-organized space will help you to notice the signs of their presence sooner than later.

Many homeowners do not realize that items you bring into your home from the outside could also be an infestation source; Christmas trees and wreaths may also introduce pests into your house leading to serious pest control issues. Before bringing trees, wreaths or garlands inside you should always inspect for insects, especially spiders. Bring a flashlight with you and before cutting down the tree or purchasing it make sure that you do not see any obvious signs of insects, spiders, spider webs or egg clusters on the tree; if you do notice any you should probably continue searching for the perfect tree. Once you have found the perfect tree before bringing it inside your home you should give it a good shake to help dislodge any insects or eggs that are present and went unnoticed. If you only use your fireplace during the holiday season, also beware of pests lurking in your firewood. Woodpiles offer excellent havens for pests and so storing firewood inside is almost the equivalent to inviting pests inside. Never store wood inside; instead store several feet away from the house and up off the ground. When building a fire, only bring in the amount of logs you'll need.

If you do find yourself with a pest control problem don't let it ruin your holidays, contact a professional pest control company for quick effective help. Trained technicians will be able to come in and quickly determine the problem, eliminate it and put into place a prevention plan that will prevent future infestations. Contact the professionals today for detailed information on how to keep your holidays pest free!

How to Choose Christmas Gifts for the Family   How to Choose Christmas Gifts for the Family   

Types of Metal Used With Doors

Doors will require various hardware pieces in order to be complete. They can include various locksets, knobs, handles, hinges, and more. Each of these should be considered for your new door. The majority of the time, hinges and some kind of handle will be necessary in order to get the door to function. The rest is up to you - such as the type of lockset you want, as well as whether you would rather have a turning knob or a handle people can grasp. The other important part of door hardware is what kind of metal you should use.

Typically, door hardware is crafted with one of three metals: bronze, brass, or steel. Each of these will offer something different to your overall door design, as well as how they weather time and the elements.

Bronze is often presented in two possible finishes. The first is silicon bronze; this is an alloy of silicon, zinc, and copper. The other is white bronze, which is an alloy of nickel, zinc, manganese, and copper. Each finish gives the bronze a different look, so be sure to look at each if considering bronze for your hardware. Bronze can and will oxidize as time passes, which means it will change in color, sheen, and texture. Finishes can be protected, but overall the oxidation process cannot be stopped. Voice any of your concerns to your manufacturer.

Brass is the second popular metal used in handles, locksets, and so forth. It is an alloy of copper and zinc and does have the ability to tarnish. However, tarnishing can be slowed or even halted for an indefinite amount of time if the brass is given a lacquer coating. The coating seals out the exterior elements, which allows the brass to retain its original color and shine for a long, long time. Brass begins as a near-gold color, but will transform to a reddish color as it tarnishes. This red color can actually look rather stunning, provided the metal is not lacquered from the start.

The final metal that can be used is steel. It is not as popular as bronze or brass and, if not given the proper protection, it can rust and eventually fall apart. While this isn't as likely to happen in a home with regulated temperatures and moisture levels, if left to the elements outside, the process can be surprisingly rapid. However, if protected or indoors, steel provides an excellent look, with almost a rustic feel to it, which may be the ideal choice for your home.

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